Posts in Sleep
Your Parenting Approach is Doing More Harm Than Good

I remember the first time I heard the term ‘conscious parent’

What is that? Is it good or bad?

I knew helicopter parenting was bad, along with snowplow parenting.

Attachment parenting was…very polarizing.

Gentle parenting was the new kid in town, vague but cool.

Fast forward 7 years and I’m well versed in the merits and pitfalls of all the popular parenting approaches. And there are a lot.

Now I’ve become highly skeptical of approaches and wary of anything labelled parenting advice in general. While their books, blogs, podcasts and social media accounts feel like every answer you’ve been waiting for - I’d argue their patented approach often does more harm than good.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed and discouraged in a world where it seems everyone has this parenting thing figured out, have a read

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Bedtime Stories: Why reading is a powerful part of the bedtime routine for children

In our 7 years of parenting, reading books as part of our bedtime routine has been undeniable. From my work and conversations with friends, I know this is true for most parents. This is not the result of savvy PR; reading books has earned its place by being the perfect bedtime ritual based solely on its merits. Sure, parents are often told the importance of reading for literacy, vocabulary and instilling a love of reading, but these benefits have nothing to do with the lasting popularity and success of this bedtime tradition.

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The depths of our neediness

After a busy holiday season, back-to-back illnesses and children exhausted from starting school, my husband and I locked eyes during a particularly long and fraught bedtime with our two daughters. We didn’t say anything but you could read the silence: it shouldn’t be so hard!? When does it get easier? How can they possibly need SO much?

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Bedtime love notes - How to keep your preschooler in bed

Three years ago, my daughter moved out of our crib and our bedtime routine turned upside down. Suddenly she needed me specifically to lie down with her until she fell asleep. While I was happy to do this, I also had a baby in need of my attention and both my husband and I wanted to more flexibility with our evening.

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Moshi Sleep App Review

“My daughter fell asleep 3 hours earlier!”

Have you seen these ads? I scoffed at the use of these extreme, one-dimensional marketing ploys on tired parents - and yet, months later I found myself downloading the Moshi Sleep app.

Are you curious? Have a seat and let me share my honest experience and opinion on adding the Moshi Sleep app to our bedtime routine.

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SleepHeather Sande
Big changes and bad habits - what’s the right way to support your child’s sleep?

Bad habits - that’s the fear lurking in the back of parents’ minds when putting their kids to bed. The message that we must teach our children to be independent sleepers or suffer the consequences is a hard one to ignore, especially when it’s all around us and we are so very tired.

That advice (and guilt) is pretty useless when you’ve just had a new baby and your toddler is now sleeping worse than your newborn. Or you’ve just moved and your 3-year-old is scared of their new room. Or after a separation, your 4-year-old is determined to cosleep.

For us, it has been our 3-year-old starting daycare.

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3 Years Old, SleepHeather Sande
How I Got My Toddler Sleeping (without sleep training)

Never in the history of the world has there ever been such a loaded question as “How did you sleep?”

How much time do you have?

There is nothing more bonding than new parents sharing their sleep schedules, routines, failures and successes. This is prime-time material.

If you’ve read this far - if you get it, we are now best friends and I’m going to tell you the WHOLE story of my second child and how we eventually got some sleep.

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Sleep, JournalHeather Sande
Why is Bedtime so Hard?

When I was pregnant with my first, a (childless) coworker gave me the book, “Go The F*$% to Sleep” by Adam Mansbach. Honestly, I didn’t get it. I gathered it was a joke but the punchline sailed right over my head.

Fast forward 3 years later, I pluck it off the shelf and my husband and I are crying with laughter. My favourite page is,

“The flowers doze low in the meadows

And high on the mountains so steep.

My life is a failure,…

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SleepHeather Sande