Posts tagged preschooler
Bedtime love notes - How to keep your preschooler in bed

Three years ago, my daughter moved out of our crib and our bedtime routine turned upside down. Suddenly she needed me specifically to lie down with her until she fell asleep. While I was happy to do this, I also had a baby in need of my attention and both my husband and I wanted to more flexibility with our evening.

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I'm not enjoying this - pandemic parenting confessions

“I’m not enjoying this.”

I’ve listened to parents share variations of these feelings and I’ve nodded along in understanding, because I’ve felt like that as well. And I ached, to offer something that might be helpful beyond solidarity. Because while parenting is hard, I believe we need those moments of connection and joy.

I also believe it’s not that easy. You start the day with the best of intentions, I won’t yell, I’ll play, we will have fun! But then your toddler yells at you for cutting his pancake, you spend 15 minutes in a diaper change standoff, your preschooler tries to kick you when you turn off the tv - and just like that, your frustration boils over onto everyone around you. And it just keeps happening.

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