Read these Books and Forget the Rest

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A quick search on Indigo tells me there are over 10951 RESULTS FOR "PARENTING".

Let that sink in.

Because we KNOW all those books are not saying the same thing. Many of these books will in fact contradict each other. Just selecting a book can be an anxiety provoking process!

That being said - a great book can bolster our intuition, provide fresh insight and increase our confidence. If you’re not sure where to start the following books are the ones I love and recommend most often!

*Caveat - remember, when if comes to your child, you are the expert. Make sure you are filtering the advice through the lens of your child and your family.

My Top 4 Parenting Book Recommendations:

  • Rest, Play, Grow: Making Sense of Preschoolers (or anyone who acts like one) by Deborah MacNamara PhD

    • Many parents (myself included) find things fall apart when the toddler stage hits. This book clearly outlines the why behind the testing behaviours of the 2-5 crowd. It’s a detailed and enjoyable read that provides ample examples and strategies.

    • Read this if you’re bewildered by your little one’s behaviour

  • Hold On To Your Kids: Why Parents Need to Matter More Than Peers by Gordon Neufeld, Ph.D. & Gabor Maté, M.D

    • A more thorough and studious read, I recommend this book particularly to families who also have school age children. Neufeld dispels the myths that children need to be socialized and that it’s normal for teens to hate their parents. Instead he lays out the roadmap for building strong child parent relationships that last. While it covers a lot of theoretical knowledge there are also great examples and practical strategies

    • Read this is you want to feel prepared for the future

  • The Whole-Brain Child: 12 Revolutionary Strategies to Nurture Your Child's Developing Mind by Daniel J. Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson

    • A basic understanding of brain science can be incredibly helpful! A lot of unrealistic and unhelpful expectations go out the window when we realize our children haven’t developed the capacity for impulse control. A shorter, easy read, this book is packed with examples and memorable tools.

    • Read this if you prefer a more science focused approach

  • Peaceful Parents, Happy Siblings: How to Stop the Fighting and Raise Friends for Life by Dr. Laura Markham

    • Everyone says a second child is more than double the work and I wouldn’t disagree. This book is an ideal read for anyone with two children under 5. Particularly if you are caring for a toddler and baby there are a lot insights and practical tips around tricky moments, like getting a baby down to nap while your toddler demands your attention. There is a lot you can do to get the sibling relationship off to a good start, so I highly recommend this book to anyone adding to their family!

    • Read this if you’re graduating from a family of 3 to 4 or if you’ve become the referee of young siblings

And if you don’t have the time (or perhaps reading parenting books doesn’t wildly excite you as it does for me!) be sure to follow me in IG for practical tips or book a free intro call so we can work together!

ParentingHeather Sande