Heather Sande

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How I Prioritize My Mental Health as a Mom and Entrepreneur

3 minute Read

Upside of no childcare - no reason not to go to the beach! So much easier not to stress about work I’m not getting done while surrounded by beautiful nature.

This Fall called my bluff. 

Like a lot of Moms, a big reason for choosing self-employment was the flexibility and the opportunity to spend more time with my kids day to day. It certainly wasn’t for the generous salary and benefits package. 

The Fall held promise, my 5 year old was starting in person SK and we were looking for part time childcare for my 3 year old. I was salivating at the prospect of so much time alone in my home and all the projects, courses, content and new clients filling my schedule. 

But then my 5 year old really struggled adapting to school. While the school day was fine, mornings, evenings and weekends were filled with meltdowns. While I expected it, living it was different. Every night I was drained and struggled to get anything done. 

Our babysitter left for college and it was really tough to find part time childcare for our 3 year old. While I loved my 1:1 days with my preschooler, I was getting tired and falling further and further behind on my fall plans. It was 6 weeks before we secured a part time space at an amazing centre we love.

Finally 5 year old was settling into her routine and 3 year old had a few transition days at her daycare and - enter the germs! One by one both kids got sick and are home from school and daycare and not sleeping well. At this point I kind of just threw my hands up in the air and saw fall 2021 for what it was - a time of big transition for our family. As someone who’s career and passion is parenting and sleep - I felt a tad hypocritical to be losing my cool all over the place as I struggled to do it all. I was reminded that cars use the most gas when they change gears. That it was taking all my gas just to support my family through this change. I reminded myself

  • It’s okay to go slow

  • Flexible doesn’t mean doing everything, it means having a choice on what you do and when 

  • I’m a finite resource. The harder I push myself now, the more rest I’ll need later

So I committed to prioritizing my mental health so I could show up for my family the way I wanted to. I had to trust I could come back to my business when I could give it the attention it deserved and still be successful. In a culture that’s all about hustle and appears to celebrate burn out - I want to believe there is space for slow and steady. That a sustainable pace can be sexy too!

The past 6 weeks have been filled with tantrums, meltdowns, playtime, nature walks, park dates, early bedtimes, less screen time, tears, gardening, muttering under my breath, long talks, laughing, lots of mystery novels and a few nights of fall family camping. 

And now I’m sitting here - alone, rested, ready and excited to support you and your family! Until next time I hope I inspire you to exercise flexibility in favour of your mental health. Maybe...say no to that commitment in favour of a slow paced evening. Turn your phone off while you walk in the woods. Make the food you enjoy (even if your kids only eat toast...it’s just one meal). Say yes to another show so you can have an uninterrupted conversation with a friend. Write yourself a permission slip if you need to! Know that I’m cheering you on - because there is nothing more exciting to me than parents prioritizing their mental health.