Heather Sande

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My Life - My Daycare Transition Plan

The time has finally come, next week E starts daycare. The past 18 months have passed both quickly and slowly as they do when caring for little ones. I’ve really appreciated this longer maternity leave and feel much more prepared to head back to the office. But all the same, this is a big change for E, for me and for all of my family. Having been through this once before I’m glad we can go into this with more awareness. This time around, here is how I am preparing.

  1. Talking about it! Last time I felt quite blindsided by the emotional experience. So I’ve been thinking about that a lot and talking with my husband on how I hope things go this time. Based on what I know now, I’m not stressing about nap schedules, whether the yogurt is sweetened or nursing routines. What does matter a lot to me is how E connects with her teachers. And I know how I can focus on that and foster that relationship in those first weeks. Without talking and reflecting I might have missed this insight and opportunity.

  2. Getting on top of the logistics. We’re fortunate that M is already going to to the same daycare, so it was easy to pop in beforehand and drop off diaper, wipes and other supplies so I’m not juggling all that stuff during the first drop off. I also dropped off a family photo so it can already be up when we get there. Those sorts of details stress me out.

  3. Creating a transition schedule I feel good about! Our previous daycare had a lot of structure around starting or moving rooms, our current daycare doesn’t. So I took this as an opportunity to make a schedule that makes sense to me. We are starting with 2 to 2.5 hours for the first week. The second week I will plan to pick up after the afternoon nap. By the third week she will be into the regular schedule. I know she would be okay if she started with the full day, but my goal is for her to feel more connected with her teachers first and reduce the amount of frustration she feels over these changes as much as I can.

  4. Focusing on the positive! In 18 months Emily haven’t been apart very much, so it’s still hard to think of someone else caring for her. So I’m making a point to remember the positive aspects of daycare. Having a break from some of the more mundane tasks like diaper changes and making snacks is great! I’m excited to having someone else to chat to about E’s napping and latest piece artwork. And this shift for me, means more space to connect with different aspects of my life. And because I don’t start work for another month I suddenly have free time during the day! Hello massage!

I’m looking forward to writing a follow up post and letting you know how things are going! Wish us luck.